The Dilemma of the Bio/Organic Holistic Health Industry.
Marcello Assandri Marcello Assandri

The Dilemma of the Bio/Organic Holistic Health Industry.

Where are the two magic words of the Bio/Organic Industry that can compete with the label “Clinically Tested”? I urge my colleagues in the Holistic Health Industry to consider this crucial point. We are dealing the core of Marketing here affecting each day consumer choices.

I don’t think that an individual alone can solve this Dilemma which is worth a percentage of the 1.8 trillion dollar 2024 Wellness Industry. I urge more collaboration in the view that the Pharma counterpart is formed by teams of highly trained professionals (product managers, general managers, area sales managers, sales reps, customers, marketing managers, communications managers) who have accessed to detailed and accurate market intelligence to the point that to know which medications are sold in each zip codes area, standard practice. The Pharma Marketing process is Collective; the Holistic Health is not. Who do you think wins? Highly trained teams or individual players?

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“WHERE DO YOU WANT TO LIVE IN 800 YEARS?” Campaign Slogan June 2024.
Marcello Assandri Marcello Assandri

“WHERE DO YOU WANT TO LIVE IN 800 YEARS?” Campaign Slogan June 2024.

Political Campaign in Berlin for the local June 2024 elections. The Party promises that the over 60 can live up to 1,000 provided that funds are shifted. If you are over 60, would you vote for such a party? Before you reply please look at their scientific website. Made in Berlin. Thank you

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Recent Mental Health Study by AXA indicates that stress, anxiety and low mood are reaching epidemic proportions often rooted in our lifestyle, work and environment.
Marcello Assandri Marcello Assandri

Recent Mental Health Study by AXA indicates that stress, anxiety and low mood are reaching epidemic proportions often rooted in our lifestyle, work and environment.

- 32% of the population in 16 countries (Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, UK, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Japan, Mexico, Philippines, Thailand, Turkey, USA) are living with mind health conditions.

- Nearly 23% of employees have taken sick leave because of mind health challenges over the last 12 months.

- 3 out of 4 people are experiencing tiredness, trouble sleeping, or stress, because of work.

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The health benefits of distilled water.
Marcello Assandri Marcello Assandri

The health benefits of distilled water.

EDWARD GROUP: The only water that nature or GOD creates is distilled water. It is the only water we should consume. We have been lied to that distilled water is unhealthy and unsafe. It is the only healing water that removes plaque and calcifications from our bodies due to the massive amounts of man made poisons and inorganic minerals we are consuming. Without consuming distilled water we will turn our bodies to stone over time, just like wood turns to petrified wood by soaking in inorganic mineral water.

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SoundTherapy - for an average of 77% less anxiety, insomnia, and pain.
Marcello Assandri Marcello Assandri

SoundTherapy - for an average of 77% less anxiety, insomnia, and pain.

Below is a summary of common sound therapy and sound healing results in research studies when the sounds are listened to for 20-30 minutes, 2-3 times a week, for 30-40 sessions:

Memory and Focus – It has been shown that short term memory increases by an average of 11% (including aging adults) when people listen to our focus sound for 30 minutes a day for a month. It is shown that children with ADHD and other learning disabilities can see an increase of over 29%. Ongoing listening helps, and the results happen in under 4 weeks. The more you listen, the more deeply your can change your focus. The focus sound rhythm reminds the listener of the brain rhythm used for focus and memory. You can listen while you work, read, relax, or workout.

Pain – Over 20% of adults have chronic pain, and more as we age. Published research on people with chronic pain who used our sound rhythms showed that listening at least twice a week lowered their feelings of pain by an average of 77% after sessions in the first two weeks. When people listen for the first time, they often experience a 50% reduction, and the benefits increase with practice and last for days. You can listen daily as needed, and you practice the rhythms mentally, like music.

Anxiety or Depression – Clients can listen to the sounds to relax or fall asleep, or use them to imagine a stressful or traumatic experience being handled in a calmer way. In a hospital study and other studies, anxiety reduced by 58% more than classical music and 86% more than not using any sound or music for meditation or brain training. The same sound patterns used for anxiety significantly lower depression symptoms, since anxiety and depression overlap or develop from each other.

Migraines – Around 15-20% of adults get migraines. Migraines are significantly reduced, because users can practice relaxing the intense blood flow in the brain leading to pain.

Dementia, Alzheimer’s – Currently, around 15-18% of people over age 65 have either dementia or Alzheimer’s, and 34.6% of people 85 and older have Alzheimer’s. Recent research showed our concentration rhythm removed 37% of plaque that blocks memory in important brain areas for memory in mice with Alzheimer’s after listening for one hour a day. They listened with light pulses in the same rhythm for one week, and the sounds alone are also proven to help people’s memories. The mice brains improved significantly after one week, and people experience differences in weeks and months. Longer treatment will help memory more, because the plaque can return. The same process is continually being researched for people, and is being shown to effect people in similar ways (here is a research study at the National Institute of Health for results with people). The sound rhythms that they used are a part of our service, along with memory testing, and you can share it with family, friends, and your community. Here is an article at the National Institute of Health discussing the sound treatment research for mice with Alzheimer’s.

ADHD and Autism – It has been proven that impulsive behavior decreased by more than 30% in 8 year olds with impulsive ADHD by listening to the sound we have for executive functions. Similar changes happen for adults. It has been proven to increase “working memory” by 11% (on average) for typical adults without ADHD, and as much as 29-32% in people with ADHD. There are changes in autism too, with the changes being different for each case. The changes happen when user listens to the sound for focus on this site 2 times a week for at least 12 weeks.

Insomnia – If you listen to the sound for sleep before bed, it helps insomnia. It is proven to help deep sleep brain rhythms, and helped decrease insomnia by 68% in research. They make falling asleep and getting into deep sleep easier. People with histories of complex stress especially find the sound helpful, and people who have been sleeping 4-6 hours a night have changed to sleeping 8-9 hours a night in weeks.

Tinnitus and Misophonia – You can also use a background sound that increases a brain pattern that lowers ringing in the ears of people with tinnitus by 78% (on average), and the effects last after using the background sound. This same sound rhythm has been shown to lower Misophonia.

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Excellent on Solfeggio Frequencies.
Marcello Assandri Marcello Assandri

Excellent on Solfeggio Frequencies.

Solfeggio Healing Frequencies

Gregorian chants have a measurable influence on human psychology and physiology. Those who perform the chants experience the lowest heart rates and blood pressure of the day while singing, according to Dr. Alan Watkins, a neuroscience lecturer at Imperial College, London. Other research suggests that singing the ancient compositions relieves fatigue and alleviates depression. Scientists have also observed that monastic singers require much less sleep; as little as two hours a day.

Solfeggio Geometry and Cymatics

Cymatics is the science of observing the effects of sound and frequency on matter usually in the form of liquid or powder. The term was coined by Swiss scientist Hans Jenny, who used specialized equipment that allowed a viewer to observe shapes formed in a medium under the influence of sound wave frequencies.

A cymascope study for SomaEnergetics, a company specializing in education and equipment for sound therapy, recorded cymatic images of each of the Solfeggio frequencies. Each frequency image contained “nodes” and “antinodes,” or the tops and bottoms of visible standing sound waves.

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Daoist Medical Yijing, Six Sounds Qi Gong, Tai Chi and Sound Therapy.
Marcello Assandri Marcello Assandri

Daoist Medical Yijing, Six Sounds Qi Gong, Tai Chi and Sound Therapy.

I have completed recently a course in Taoist Medical Yijing from Master Jeffrey Yuan and have combined it with the Six Sounds Qi Gong and Sound Therapy. I have healed two family members and a friend. It works also at a distance. Most probably this is how they healed in the Ming Dynasty Imperial Medical Academy.

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State of the art research.

AI, mobile phones, bio energies, frequencies in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners in hospitals in China have less than 5 minutes to diagnose a patient. “The tongue tells the truth” is the main method of inspection during the first five minutes. Once received by the specialist Doctor in the next station, the patient is laid down on a table and a sensor is applied to their wrist.

(Phase 1) Within 3 minutes the Doctor can see on the screen the energy flows of the different meridians and where the energy blocks are of the patient.

(Phase 2) Between minute 3 to minute 5, the AI consults:

  • 400 Medical Classics going back to 5th ce. AD with acupuncture points recommendations

  • Modern interpretations mostly the Maciocia method regarding the choice of acupuncture points

  • The Japanese school choice of acupuncture points

  • Which acupuncture points are being used by Chinese Medicine practitioners in China currently. Interesting to note some of these acupuncture points are different from the ones being taught academically internationally.

  • English language medical publications regarding that subject providing a summary and web links.

(Phase 3) the Doctor decides which acupuncture points sequence to use.

Currently all the Medical Classics regarding the herbs, animal and mineral prescriptions are being uploaded. Starting from the 5th ce. AD tigers, rhinoceros and such animals were used as remedies. If we want to save animals this is good place to start by proving an herbal and or a mineral alternative for tiger bone or rhinoceros’ horn.

In Germany a company headed by a physicist has developed a sensor that can be applied to the stomach of patients. Immediately the patient’s mobile phone maps the meridian energy flow of the patient and shows charts in real time. The program learns and makes recommendations with regard to which frequency to send.

A second company Metraton Bioresonance is used by doctors in 50 countries. In Taiwan it is used in TCM. The machine is capable of mapping energy meridian flows, blockages, energy status of specific organs. In addition, it provides practitioners with the ability to evaluate Chakras, 14 Chinese Meridians, biologically active points on hands, feet, auricle (auriculodiagnostics) and the iris of the eyes (iridology).

A third use of technology and frequencies can can be found on a website of the Naturalpath Doctor, Dr. Kimberly McGeorge. She offers full and partial scan analysis based on over 25 years working in the naturopathic frequency medicine and energy field.

This is state of the art of the use of AI, mobile phones and frequencies in TCM.

How one TAI CHI movement protects against ENERGY ATTACKS.

According to medical research and martial arts classics.

Invitation to join a research group via Zoom.

You will learn and experience how:

  • To use one of Six Healing Sounds and apply it to one Tai Chi movement.

  • The human energy battery functions according to Chinese Taoist Medical tradition.

  • The two energy switches in the human body and how you can activate them.

  • The human body, planes, colors and programs and how they affect you.

  • The energy points where with high probability you are being energy attacked.

  • The Tai Chi movement MOVE HANDS LIKE CLOUD is tied to the Medical I Ching tradition.

Six Healing Sounds of Qi Gong and Tai Chi.

Hi ZenAndDao friend, yesterday I have completed online a course with Master Jeffrey Yuen who teaches at the Xin Shu Chinese Traditional Medicine Academy in Rome, Italy. The course dealt with both the original Alchemical and later Medical tradition of Taoist Qi Gong. Emphasis was on the comparison between the five musical healing frequencies of the older Nei Jing with the later Taoist Six Healing Sounds of Tao Hong Jing (c. 456-c.536 CE) - Daoist bibliographer, alchemist, and pharmacologist.

I highly recommend this course of anyone interested.